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When Christmas or Birthdays come around, you may feel the need to invest in socks (preferably alpaca), handkerchiefs, a bottle of spirits or any number of other presents. Or you can do something really different and give alpaca walking vouchers from Spring Farm Alpacas.
Or it may be that you are completely stumped with what to serve up with the Brussel sprouts. We can whole heartedly recommend an alpaca walk here at Spring Farm Alpacas. We walk our alpacas in all year round!
When I was a child, I was dragged out in the car, parked in a car park, route marched from A to B to A and put back in the car. I then spent the next 20 years avoiding everything that was green (except, funnily enough, the Brussel sprouts). I then happily became a city dweller. But something inside eats away at you that there must be more to life than computer games and re-runs of The Great Escape.
So why not buy a voucher for an alpaca walk with us. The pride of place goes to our amazing alpacas who we take out for a relaxing walk of about a mile – entirely within our farm boundaries. During the walk, we are happy to point out wonderful British wildlife that we see. We will tell you about alpacas, their history and how we farm for maximum wildlife biodiversity. When we get back to the farm, you reward our walking alpacas with carrots which we chopped for you earlier. We will then take you to meet our mum’s and babies group so you can meet the crias (baby alpacas). In most years we have between 20 and 30 cria born (22 born in 2024). The birthing period is normally from May to July.
You can choose between an eVoucher which we will email out to your chosen email address. Or, alternatively, for the additional cost of a first-class stamp, we will send your voucher to you in the post with a flyer to explain more of what we do. You can also add (at additional cost) a choice of alpaca themed cards to make the perfect gift complete. Please bear in mind that all the posting/emailing out is done by us (well me!) – it’s not automated! Lastly, eVouchers are issued from our personal Gmail account.
If you would like more than one voucher you can alter this in your shopping cart .
A few notes before you book your vouchers.
For full T & C’s please look at our Alpaca Walking page HERE
- Children must be over 12 years old to walk an alpaca on their own. Children aged from 8 to 11 may accompany the walk providing that each child is accompanied by an adult.
- Walking alpacas may not be suitable for all as it involves walking across undulating fields. You need to use both hands and to be in control of the alpaca at all times.
- We get very busy with bookings – especially for weekends and during the Spring/Summer.
- The vouchers have an extra long one year life.
- Please note the last posting date for 1st Class for Christmas 2024 is Friday 20th December – we send out our postal cards and vouchers Royal Mail 1st Class. After the 20th, we suggest eVouchers to ensure delivery before Christmas.
If you would like an E-VOUCHER emailed to you then please select below. Please note that the E-Vouchers are sent out manually so please bear with us whilst I get back to the computer to formulate them! They are issued from our Gmail account.



Alpaca Gift Cards
If you would like a card (with envelope) to go with your voucher then please chose from the selection below and add it to your basket.

CARD 1 – £3

CARD 4 – £3

CARD 7 – £3

CARD 10 – £3

CARD 13 – £3

CARD 2 – £3

CARD 5 – £3

CARD 8 – £3

CARD 11 – £3

CARD 14 – £3

CARD 3 – £3

CARD 6 – £3

CARD 9 – £3

CARD 12 – £3

CARD 15 – £3
Spring Farm is very different in each of our 4 seasons so please don’t think of this as a purely Summer event. Come and see the wood anemones/bluebells in Springtime. The changing leaves in Autumn – you can add on a visit to Sheffield Park Gardens to really max out on Autumn colour. Its virtually next door. See uninterrupted views of wildlife in Winter as the farm starts to wake up again. We regularly see a herd of wild fallow deer on Winter walks.
Spring Farm is farmed within Higher Level Stewardship and as such we do all we can to encourage wildlife. What’s more, we are within the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty – and surrounded by many other attractions and eating venues. We have multiple hazel dormice boxes and two owl boxes on our farm to name but two of our wildlife habitat enhancements.
If you book alpaca walking vouchers, we will send them to you by return – we send them out first class. You can also choose to receive them in one of our “alpaca cards” for an additional £3 each (inc VAT). The cost of a physical voucher is £39.95 (inc VAT) per person walking plus a £2 charge for P+P. The recipient can add additional walkers (at extra cost) if they wish on booking. Just note that the number accompanying cannot be greater than the number actually walking alpacas.
Alternatively, you can choose eVouchers which are the same price except you don’t need to pay a P+P charge. Please be aware that everything is sent out manually – including the eVouchers – so please give us 24 hours!
Please note that we need a minimum of two people walking on any given day. Also, because we are a working alpaca farm, all walks need to be pre-booked. We do get very busy at weekends especially in the Spring/Summer. When the recipient would like to book a walk, our online booking system allows for booking with vouchers and recipients can see availability at the touch of a button (or two).
For more info on our walks and full practicalities, please see our HOME page. To book an alpaca walk, our T’s and C’s plus contact details and directions, please see our BOOK AN ALPACA WALK page. If you would like to email us please email:
We look forward to seeing you soon with or without your new socks!